Beginners Guide to Blockchain Vlogging & Blogging

Beginners Guide to Blockchain Vlogging & Blogging

So you want to learn how to Vlog/Blog on the Blockchain?

That’s great!

There are tons of people all around the world who have already paved the way for success in this venture. I first started out by studying them and trying to copy their strategies and implement them into my own content creation plan. I was amazed to discover ways that other people were making a small treasure of cryptocurrency doing things I was already doing online. Last year, I was able to make a pretty significant dent in earnings on the blockchain just by sharing my content.

I would love to introduce you to two of the ways that I am able to make cryptocurrency by creating and sharing content to the blockchain.

  • Make money every day watching videos on one of the blockchain platforms I use to post gaming videos and more
  • Share your blog posts in video or written format and get paid to build and grow a community around your brand

Introducing: Odysee, a free speech decentralized blockchain video sharing platform.

Using Odysee is a no-brainer if you want free rewards in the form of a cryptocurrency called LBC for watching videos! Use LBC to boost your content to reach more people and a chance to monetize your channel with an actual platform sponsorship.

Making an account is pretty much the same as any other social media platform but I want you to make your account with one thing in mind; Growth. Present your channel in such a way that people want to support and see you grow. This means having a super cool brand aesthetic that people can vibe with and creating a contagious energy that overflows into the lives of everyone around you.

Posting content to Odysee is really straightforward as the platform is very well built and self-explanatory with only five hashtags that you have to worry about.

In order to maximize your earning potential, I would recommend watching 10 videos per day and engaging the content you like with a positive comment that reinforces the content. Of course, you will also need to use the same strategy with your target audience and competing channels to attract the right viewers to your channel.

Join me on Odysee, a free speech decentralized blockchain video sharing platform, and claim your FREE LBC Bounty!$/invite/@fromriley:0

You can also share your Odysee videos or other content to the Minds, HIVE, and Noise.Cash blockchain social media platforms to gain some extra exposure and extra tokens.

Hive is much more structurally complex with a fully decentralized governance system but it has a higher earning potential for dedicated writers and content creators of all kinds especially game developers.

Minds more closely resembles Facebook and is rather easy to use and understand.

One of the most awesome points about blockchain vlogging/blogging is that it is basically a rewards based training system to teach people the best practices of monetization.

The better the content that you create the more likely that people will want to support it.

If you are already creating super stellar content then why not share it on the blockchain and grow your channel with me?

Thank you so much for stopping by!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please drop me a comment below and I will do my best to help out.

You can also start building a small portfolio of cryptocurrency completely free using this list of links:

Claim free cryptocurrency daily from these faucets: Play to Earn Blockchain Gaming (4 Games & A Free Giveaway) Play to Earn Blockchain Gaming (4 Games & A Free Giveaway)

Hello and welcome to this long awaited update on the future of gaming development.

Blockchain is a technology that brought us the illustrious bitcoin and is revolutionizing the gaming industry by decentralizing NFT(non-fungible token) gaming assets and monetizing everyday activities that will essentially gamify many aspects of life.

Blockchain gaming takes place on a native blockchain platform with the issuance of NFTs that are traded amongst the playerbase and in most cases this would be Etherium but in this article I am going to dive into what games are being offered on my favorite blockchain project: the Hive.

The Hive Blockchain is a blogging platform that basically allows users to support each other with small donations for shared content through interactions/engagements. This process is rather complex so I wont go into further detail about it here but the entire platform is like a vast website with so many nooks and crannies that include investment options to the finest choices in browser based gaming.

There are a number of ways to monetize your daily habits and even social media interactions and engagements through Hive Blockchain.

I make a very modest income sharing others content that I like and my own content/opinions on various subjects with reviews and art that I have made.

Using a decentralized blockchain based social media platform like is a great way to begin improving your chances at decentralized independence.

Some people have developed their own front-end Dapps like Ecency which looks like a mix of reddit and twitter that have their own use case and token with economic value.

But that is not all the platform has to offer!

Lets check out the gaming options being developed by the community.

One of my favorite games right now has got to be simply because of the nature of its income stream. This game has the potential for some serious payouts in passive income with some of the most experienced users netting a 3x APY with the best strategies.

My current strategy has a daily payout of $1.50 with my initial investment of around $300 in Jan and my city is now worth around $900 so I have done pretty well so far this year.

Unfortunately there is no referral system with dcity yet but I would be happy to send anyone who signs up under my referral for Hive a free homeless person card!

In order to redeem this offer:

you will need to sign up using my hive onboard link and follow my account

  • you will need to sign up for hive
  • follow my account
  • and make an introductory post to the tag #introduceyourself explaining how you found out about dcity and hive with a link back to this post

Homeless cards usually sell anywhere from 50-100 SIM which is worth about $.02 USD and you can get them through the marketplace or farm them from your city.

If you are into online pvp(player vs player) trading cards games then this next game called Splinterlands is for you!

There is currently a stupendous passive income opportunity with the newly implemented SPS airdrop which is based upon a stake in the games assets. Splintershards(SPS) are being distributed everyday based upon a daily snapshot of your accounts asset holdings. This airdrop is currently paying out about $1 worth of SPS per $100 worth of the ingame currency called Dark Energy Crystals(DEC). Sign up here:

Players can earn the in game token called DEC(Dark Energy Crystals) by winning matches and completing their daily quests or competing in contests. Much like Dcity with a small initial investment you can quickly start earning a small purse of coin! Sign up here:

Have you ever wanted to learn about brewing beer? You can even get paid in cryptocurrency to learn two things at once!

Cryptobrewmaster is a neat project that combines beer brewing education with blockchain based rewards! Sign up here:

Maybe your passion is for music and you have always wanted to grow your understanding of what it can take to be a rising star?

Check out this masterpiece of a card game called rising star šŸ™‚ Similarly to Cryptobrewmaster in this game you dont have to have any money invested to start earning daily!

Alright, that wraps up the games that I have personally played and come to love but there are still several more that I havent been able to get into just yet.

Thank you all so much for reading! I really appreciate any support I can get through online engagements so please like this post and drop a comment letting me know what you think about all of this new gaming development!

Monetize your daily activities and earn a niche marketing token while you search the web with Presearch!
You can also switch your web browser and make up to $100 this year cpu mining bitcoin with Cryptotab Browser

League of Legends Patch 8.3 Commentary

With the Lunar Revel event coming to a close now and all those awesome Lunar Revel skins running around in league I wanted to remember this moment by dedicating a post to a commentary on the last week of gameplay and the latest patch 8.3.

First, I want to discuss some game statistics covering Win and Lose ratios from the very helpful site OP.GG.

WinratioWith champions like Udyr, Singed, and Sion towering over the rest of the champion pool sporting a positive win ratio of 53.93% and better. I would say this week has been very partial to utility tanks. One Champion I am suprised to not see is Sejuani but I will cover that later.

Screenshot 2018-02-19 16.17.23

Another thing that suprised me about this weeks statistics on OP.GG is the Syndra and Rengar lose ratios. In my games this past week Syndra and Rengar seemed to be quite strong but maybe the players I faced were just the exceptional 46% who worked for their wins.

If you dont already use this site I would recommend it for analyzing gameplay statistics and improving youre game.

Without further ado the 8.3 Commentary:


Riot introduces the patch with Swain and his new kit. Which is really different almost like a completely new champ if it werent for the crows and his name. I dont really play Swain but I will have to try him out during the next free week he is in. What do you think about him?ca46e4c354351ccc426e2805d2eaefe0-d51fz32

Swain’s update has really seen a spike in his playtime but I can bet that after these nerfs Azir and Jarvan IV will see a little bit less play time until the next patch or buff to their kit.

Screenshot 2018-02-19 19.09.58


Azir for one with the updated aggro drawn by his soldier’s will have to play safer around enemy minions especially during the early game.



J4 loses some durability and an early edge on duelists so I’m betting he will lose playtime for sure.


Jhin might actually be picking up some more playtime and win percentage with this small damage buff to his ultimate.




Very Thankful for this nerf to Katarina as her damage has been astronomical.



Nerfing the #1 Tank Killer and we will see another change in the meta but more likely with some extra tanks.



This buff to Lucian is very nice and I really think you will start seeing some more competitive Lucian play now.


Love these new chromas especially the Sona!



The Grind for Gold

League of Legends. Video game or life style? The Pros are making millions and the boosters are getting fat on your cold hard cash. Which leaves me with this post.

Just an update to the masses on the Grind for Gold!

So here we are again. Me and you. Yes that’s right. Bronzed again. It never fails. We are doomed to troll and roll. XD who am I kidding?!? I dont even play placement matches until mid season. šŸ˜› Finished up the last two seasons in Silver 5. Not impressed? lol. Been working on a new account to test out the new rune system and the new rewards system from level 1.

I am really digging the new Runes system and I might actually begin to take league of legends seriously again. If it werent for all the boosters and boosted accounts I would probably play placement matches at the beginning of the season but this seems to be the time when the heaviest trolls and the best boosters are making their moves. Good job on you if you can make money in League of Legends a PC video game! I basically loathe you for it because you ruin the game for people who are honest but seriously thats impressive.

Back to the RUUNES! wow seriously love the new rune system and I know this is a super late post to be talking about the NEW runes lol give me a break I havent posted in 2 years. You dont wanna hear my rants about the Sejuani rework I promise :P.

They have made me believe that Riot does actually care about its playerbase because I have been asking for a Rune revamp for YEAAAAARS! Makes the game feel more about skill rather than who has the money to buy their champs with RP so they can spend their IP on runes.

The Inspiration tree has made me fall in love with Sona and Soraka all over again. I am especially partial to Kleptomancy and Futures Market. Although the Sorcery tree is much better for a strong aggressive poke lane which caters to my support style of heavy trading and first kill attempts.

Some champions I have been playing heavy are Shyvana, Sona, Soraka, Sejuani, Wukong, Thresh and Blitz.

It’s crazy how strong Shyvana has been since the end of last season. If she doesnt get dealt with very early on then she just becomes a train after she ults into any fight. It can be quite alarming to get dived on and roasted in a matter of seconds. I like to rush level 6 for this reason and dive botlane but ofc this isnt always viable as you will need to countergank and counter jg to get ahead.

Yea yea yea. We all play league ere amiright? no? well wtf are you doing with your life? League is Life! I dont even play on a daily basis anymore to be honest. I would like to but I’m trying to do a lot of stuff to progress my life outside of Leisure Gaming. Buuuut….

I DO HAVE A PLAN! The Grind for Gold continues and it will be much easier with the new tools that have been added to the game such as practice tools and the match recordings that are mindblowingly late but very much appreciated. Danke Rito!

Duo botlane has been my most effective strategy for climbing but I have had really good success with duo Jg and mid as well. These two compositions for Duo Imho have the highest impact on the game bc when executed with teamwork and skill they can have the most impact on the game resulting in more wins.

I have had many Duo partners in the past but this time I am going to try and stick with a sole partner or maybe two to increase chances of synchronicity and to better understand the concept of FRIENDSHIP!

I probably wont ever be able to harbor a lasting relationship with anyone through league but Ive been dreaming ;P HMU for a friendly game!


League of Legends – Patch 6.6 INFECTED WITH MALWARE [BEWARE]



Before I start, I hold a 4 year Information System Security Degree (paid hacker), I know my shit. Today while playing league of legends, at around 9:10pm Eastern Time my anti-virus updated and detected a Trojan in the league client. Not only that, my brother, with his speakers turn on, detected it on McAfee and I heard it, and my friend who I was skyping with noticed it on Windows Defender too, AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. It seems anti-viruses have found the identified malware hash so itā€™s ā€œfoundā€ and can be protected agaisnt, but be careful. A Trojan is essentially a backdoor, so it doesnā€™t pose an immediate threat to users, but i highly recommend EVERYONE scans their computer. This is not a joke.

BEWARE ā€“ Once your anti-virus picks up the virus, since the virus is attached to essential files, including theā€¦

View original post 51 more words

Up Coming Reviews

Havent really been able to contribute much lately due to lack of time having a full time job and part time with no days offs. I have been sparingly watching lots of great stuff in my time off and playing various games.

Here’s a list of some upcoming reviews:

  • Inuyasha
  • Diablo 3
  • Spawn the Movie
  • Spawn the Animated Series
  • Hearthstone
  • Mad Max
  • Soul Eater
  • No Game No Life

Other updates: I am no longer playing League of Legends. I would like to find a contributor to work with who does still play and can help me bring some relevant stuff to the table. I will be covering Heroes of the Storm for the time being as my main squeeze. Obviously going to start doing more movie and show reviews. I am also thinking about doing some creative writing and story-boarding and might end up putting some excerpts on here as well. Anyways to the 1-2 people who will read this thanks and I hope you will comment and give me some feedback.

Tank meta is back – 5.5 Tier list

New meta 5.5 is HEAVY so get your game on cinderhulk flame on.


The new LoL patch has resurrected the tank jungles and overall the tank meta. In LCS matches we see double or even triple tanks that reek chaos across the back line, while allowing the mid laner and Ad Carry to dish outĀ the maximum amount of damage.

I am going to share my personal tier list for each respective role.Ā Note this is only my personal opinion
Also I am not going to go below tier 1, as most champions are not very effective unless played with high skill.

Top Lane
Gods; Kennen*, Fizz, Irelia, Maokai,
* Kennen is not always the greatest first pick, but if the enemy team has bad mobility. It is hard not to win on Kennen, I got a 100% win rate on him in 6 games.

Tier 1; Lissandra, Rumble, Renekton, Swain

Mid Lane
Gods; LeBlanc, Zed, Lissandra.

Tier 1; Ā Viktor,Ā Cassiopeia

Gods; Rek Saiā€¦

View original post 115 more words

elo hell equals bronze forever

The vast majority of LoL players reside in Silver and Bronze rank leagues. There is a low low league of bronze in which players in that league call ELO HELL. If you have ever been there you will know that it can be very hard to get out. My dilemma is that my MMR is so low that the only people I get matched with are trolls and ragers and afk freaks. It has become practically impossible for me to win a ranked game. Until another day I suppose. I feel like pro players like to challenge themselves by delving into the elo hell but really they dont get a real taste bc their mmr is higher than that of their rank. They also have PROFESSIONAL SKILLS and thus can CARRY games. How the hell can anyone progress through this without duo? IDK. Im probably going to work on my smurf account until next year LOL sucks but the reality is that its not fun for me to play with people who arent even trying to win or progress. My smurf MMR is around low gold high silver so I just have to work on making my placement matches OPOP.

[2G4Y4U] Ranked 5s team Interview

[2G4Y4U] Ranked 5s team Interview

Bringing you this exclusive interview with a new up and coming team in the NA ranked 5s scene, we have [2G4Y4U].

I spoke with three of the members today before we headed into the battlefield. Team Captain Riqared was happy to help me setup the interview and seemed excited to express himself and represent the team. He was also able to arrange for two other members Nudist Buddhist and StealthyQuietCat to speak as well. The team started on Jan 4 2015 and was placed in Silver IV with six out of ten wins in placement matches. They have since went on to a 7W-6L score.

[LeisureLeague]: so first of all whats the name of your team
Nudist Buddhist: 2G4Y4U
Nudist Buddhist: inc.
[LeisureLeague]: in translation what does that stand for
Riqared: We don’t really have a true name yet considering that we are really just starting up
Riqared: If we keep the team, we will change the name
Riqared: Too gay for you
[LeisureLeague]: LOL
[LeisureLeague]: very nice

[LeisureLeague]: do you have specific roles that you play each game or do you switch and sub out?
Nudist Buddhist: IM MID OR FEED
Nudist Buddhist: or mid and feed c:
Riqared: We have set roles. They are susceptible to change, but we would prefer to keep them as they are and have each of us learn them more extently as we continue

[LeisureLeague]: and how long have you been playing together?
Nudist Buddhist: 3 years off and on

[LeisureLeague]: what are your intention for LoL this year?
Riqared: To progress more as a team player > as an individual > in my position

[LeisureLeague]: TEEEMO jungle.. OP?
StealthyQuietCat: NOp
[LeisureLeague]: ahh

[LeisureLeague]: so how do you guys prepare for ranked 5s?
Nudist Buddhist: we honestly dont..
Riqared: You experience ranked and benefit the most from actually playing ranked right now we are learning how we work together, how to be constructive with criticism, and how to compliment each others champions for a better team composition

[LeisureLeague]: so what are your projections for the next LCS?
Riqared: I didn’t actively keep up with competitive League playing when it’s not LCS
StealthyQuietCat: sneaky is bae

[LeisureLeague]: so what champions do you think shud be permabanned or nerfd
Nudist Buddhist: akali

[LeisureLeague]: how do you contain the rage during games?
Nudist Buddhist: yell at StealthyQuietCat
Nudist Buddhist: he is our stress relief
StealthyQuietCat: yep
StealthyQuietCat: šŸ˜¦

[LeisureLeague]: Is it possible to embrace the tilt of a losing game and turn it around?
StealthyQuietCat: it can be if we have a positive outlook and believe in the power of friendship
[LeisureLeague]: HEY I LIKE THAT
Riqared: Tilt is never a good thing to really have, think of each game as a new game, while remembering mistakes and learning from them.

[LeisureLeague]: is LoL for the lulz or could it possibly be SRS BSNS?
Nudist Buddhist: srs
StealthyQuietCat: srz
Riqared: Normal games are for messing around, but not trolling, while ranked should be taken seriously, just to be considerate of others