HotS Tyrande Support: How To

HotS Tyrande Support: How To

Your favorite support Tyrande the sexy night elf High Priestess of Elune has come into my spotlight. Tyrande offers some of the most offensive and destructive support in the game and I highly recommend that if you havent picked her up yet then do so. Her kit is extremely viable in all situations and her presence in a team fight will offset the entire flow of enemy synergy.

As any blizzard character would she possesses a very deep background in lore of which I do not feel like I should really delve into here as this is my pick up and drop off how to.

Tyrande will really compliment any team that has a high damage output. Some of my favorite team comps have been:

  • Tyrande, Kael Thas, Sylvanas, Brightwing, Jaina.
  • Tyrande, Diablo, Valla, Kael Thas, Illidan.
  • Tyrande, Jaina, Kerrigan, Anub’arak, Li Li

She works well with any team composition as long as you the individual have a good understanding of focus and who to mark, when to mark them, who to stun, when to stun them, etc.. etcc…

I currently hold a 65% win rate using Tyrande. Although it is not my highest she quickly became my first pick for main game play.

I typically only build her a certain way and will only variate my build depending on the situation.

Tyrande is a ranged support who is rather squishy. You will find her heal to be rather dull unless you pick up her level 13 talent overflowing light which i highly recommend. She has a great stun. A cross map vision skillshot on hit dmg attack. A devastating AOE slow, and last but not least a hunters mark which makes a single target enemy more vulnerable to damage by 25% for 4 seconds.

My talent tree comments and recommendations;

Level 1:

  1. Rangers Mark; lowers your mark cd by 8 seconds and top pick imo
  2. Celestial Attunement: lowers mana cost of heal by 15. insignificant
  3. Empower: reduces all cds on hit sentinel. It isnt as good as rangers mark in any situation.
  4. Seasoned Marksman: Increases basic atk dmg for ever 6 minions killed. Tyrande is much better playing support role than any type of dmg.

Level 4:

  1. Pierce: Sentinel hits all enemies in its path. more for dmg + util tyrande
  2. Protective Shield: single target shield. not as effective as good ol fashion heals in yo face
  3. Focused Attack: 75% basic attack dmg increase every 10 seconds. again not for support
  4. Searing Arrows: Active ability that increases AD by 40% for 5 secs. burst dmg not for supports
  5. Healing Ward: placement ward that heals allies within range for 1.95% health every second for 10 secs. This is the most efficient choice for support tyrande as you can drop this anywhere and can save your entire team from the jaws of defeat with an overall 5 man heal of 20% each. max of 100% to your entire team.

Level 7:

  1. Quickening Blessing: Gives ally 25% speed increase for 3 sec when healed. Use this when team has low disengage or mobility.
  2. Lunar Blaze: increases range of stun. I typically use this as it can help catch enemies out of lane and give you an edge with xp grind. Very good for ganking.
  3. Battle Momentum: reduces cd by .5 secs per attack. more for util or atk dmg tyrande build
  4. Mule: summons mule who heals and repairs buildings near target point for 40 secs. just dont lol.

Level 10:

Starfall…Area of Affect atk and 20% slow for 8 secs. Seriously you cant go wrong with this pick. Shadowstalk is only viable if you have a full team in voice chat and can work together like that. Starfall is going to give you a huge gap of space to separate enemies from their teammates and disrupt the flow of any team fight.

Level 13:

  1. Overflowing Light:  When you are above 50% health you heal allies for an extra 35%. THIS is sooo good and will bring anyone back into action with proper positioning and dodge.
  2. Shrink Ray: Single target enemy movement speed and atk spd 50% cut for 4 secs. Not bad but I still prefer the heal upgrade.
  3. Sprint: increase movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. util/split push not for true support
  4. Huntress Fury: gain 40% atk spd when using mark. dmg buff for atk tyrande? lol not support

Level 16:

  1. Ranger:Sentinel increased width by 100% and dmg increase by distance up to 200%. Can be really good if coupled with Pierce and even just for the snipe.
  2. Shooting Star: stun deals 50% more dmg and refunds all mana on hit of enemy hero. Top pick for sustain and dmg increase.
  3. Mark of Mending: attacks on marked targets heal for 2.5% max health. more for ad tyrande wuuut
  4. Trueshot Aura: passively increases surrounding allies AD by 15%. This is decent for support tyrande but does not afford her any actual worth other than teamfight potential which is great but sometimes you have to solo so i say not today.

Level 20:

  1. Celestial Wrath: Starfall global cast range with 30% dmg increase.can be great for helping a lane push without any real presence or just setting up for a team fight ahead time and the dmg increase obviously just makes it better in every other way too. Second pick tho.
  2. Nexus Frenzy: Increase atk speed and atk range by 20%. AD pick
  3. Storm Shield: Active Area team shield for 20% of max health 3 secs. Not a bad pick if you dont have a tank or another support.
  4. Rewind: Resets all basic abilities cd. OBVIOUSLY best ability for tyrande for max helpfulness and teamfight capability.

I have found that of course positioning is very important but  team synergy is going to be more so influenced by encouraging your team, playing smart, choosing your battles wisely, and keeping objectives in mind before mindlessly roaming for ganks.

Tyrande cannot afford to be focus of enemy. Your positioning is always going to place yourself behind atleast one ally. Focus should be slowing any tanks with Starfall and stunning enemy dmg dealers immediately after marking them for max dmg. Always attempt to predict enemy whereabouts to avoid a gank by scouting with your Sentinel. It is better to heal early than not at all especially if you have rewind up.

Tyrande is probably one of the only supports who is a viable enemy focus bc of her lack of self heal. She makes up for this somewhat by being ranged and having a stun and slow. Please do not get discouraged if you are getting focused and dying before your team. This is easily fixed by practicing proper positioning and maintaining it at all times.

Please let me know if you have any recommendations for me as I would love to try them out. Thanks for reading. Oh, and check out for more great art.